Office Location

Provided below is the location of St. Johnsbury Center for Well Being and a map for your convenience. We are in the Union Bank Building at the 4 corners where Railroad Street and Eastern Avenue meet. Our door is just to the left of the bank entrance, number 364.

364 Railroad Street
P.O. Box 323
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
802 748 1516
FROM ROUTE 91: Take exit 20 and go towards St. Johnsbury. In less than a mile you'll see a Subway on your left followed by a TD Bank and then Anthony's Diner. On the right just after Eastern Avenue (on left) you'll see the Union Bank on the right. My entrance is just to the left of the bank entrance, #364. I am on the second floor.
FROM ROUTE 2 WEST: You'll come up the hill on Route 2 into St. Johnsbury. You'll see the St. Johnsbury Academy buildings as you bear left up the hill onto Main Street. Go a few hundred feet and you'll see the Post Office on the left and the Courthouse on your right. Take a right there onto Eastern Avenue. Go to the bottom of Eastern Avenue and you'll see the Star Theater on your right. Look across the intersection and slightly to the left and you'll see Union Bank.(see the directions above to find the door.)
FROM ROUTE 2 EAST: You'll come to the end of Portland Street (Route 2 West) to a stop sign and you'll see a Dunkin' Donuts directly in front of you. Take a left and go to the 4 corners where you'll see Union Bank on your left. Park on the street and follow the directions above to find my door.
